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Setting the context

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Dear teachers and educators, Since the focus of the project is on childhood education, it is important to name how caring by children can look like.
Examples of caring practices with children include:

Tidying up toys

Preparing and cleaning up after meals


Taking care of animals

Comforting friends

Offering/giving support to solve conflicts non-violently

Considering other opinions and not only one’s own

The materials developed in the course of the ECaRoM project make visible that already young children and especially boys are caring in their daily lives. In addition, the materials offer the opportunity to raise awareness of how present care activities are in everyday interactions and actions of children and how educators can further strengthen the children’s understanding of the value of care activities.

In EcaRoM project we understand care as:

  • Individual aspect of self-care: maintaining personal health and well-being.
  • Family aspect or social network: work necessary to ensure the daily physical, social and emotional well-being of family members (and also friends, neighbors, other relatives and close people), especially that of dependent people (children, elderly, sick and disabled people). This includes household chores (cleaning, shopping, cooking, etc.).
  • Professional aspect: professional care work in the fields of education, health and social care (kindergarten and elementary school teachers, nurses, social workers).[1]
  • Social aspect: community work and social engagement as a whole (volunteer work, social engagement, empathy and solidarity towards excluded and marginalized groups)
  • Equality aspect: all genders working for gender equality in their daily lives.
  • Ecological aspect: caring for nature and the planet we live on
  • Attitudinal aspect: rejection of violence and societal male privilege.

[1] Care professions are understood as professions in the fields of education, health and social welfare. This definition is identical to the EHW (Education, Health, Welfare) professions category of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE 2017). For the social, educational, and nursing professions, it is important to note that caring is primarily about people.

Gender sensitive pedagogy

Gender-sensitive pedagogy is a pedagogical approach that promotes diverse interests, competencies and behaviors without gendered constrictions, the alleviation of gender expectations, and intervening in and reducing discrimination and violence.

You can learn more about gender-sensitive pedagogy and see instruments for self – reflection in the Manual.

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