The “Early care and the role of men” (EcaRoM) is a European funded project, which is being implemented for 24 months from February 2021 until January 2023. The Project aims at promoting the concept of caring masculinities so that at a young age, children and especially boys are taught about the importance of care for themselves, others, and the environment. The Project also teaches how care professions are addressed in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services and primary schools, and how this impacts their further educational/professional choices.
The project objectives are:
✔ Analysis of state of the art gender sensitive early education; through interviews and focus groups with experts and pedagogical staff, as well as review of the current research, curriculums, and diversity regulations.
✔ Questioning of traditional care-less concepts of masculinities and broadening the range of career paths for all children through the assessment and development of educational material for pedagogical staff in early education.
✔ Focusing on caring professions and caring masculinities through the training of pedagogical staff and students in early education, in supporting children to experience caring skills and competences not restricted by traditional gender role expectations.
✔ Development of flexible learning possibilities for pedagogical staff, students and other professionals in early education, through a digital self – learning platform
Target groups:
- Children in ECEC services and primary schools;
- Their parents;
- Teachers in ECEC and primary schools;
- Policy makers in the field of education and the labour market;
- Educators and other professionals in the field.

The ECaRoM project continues our work from the Boys in Care Work project (2017-2019), dedicated to boys and parents, teachers in primary and secondary schools, vocational counsellors, experts (youth workers, boys’ workers, social workers) who are supporting boys in gender atypical educational and vocational choices. During our work on this past project we often encountered a need for gender sensitive pedagogy and a lack of awareness for caring masculinities in early education. This motivated us to start the EcaRoM project.
For more information about the Boys in Care Work project: