What ?
We have developed the Self-Learning Platform to provide you with knowledge and tested methods and materials, based on our experience in the project with teachers and educators in six European countries – Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, and Slovenia.

We are sure that our knowledge and proposals for materials and methods will be useful in your everyday practice and will enrich your gender sensitive pedagogical work with children in ECEC services and in primary schools.

The Platform was developed for primary school teachers, childcare pedagogues and students, who work or will be working with children in ECEC services and in primary schools and who are curious to deepen in practice their knowledge on masculinity and care.

You may choose a content of your own interest and how long to work on a topic and skip content, that you are already familiar with. It is free of charge and you can download and use all materials without any fee.

Why we raise the topic ?
Before you go to the learning sections, we advise you to see the “Setting the Context“ section as well as the section “Instruments for Self-Check “ Enjoy!

Learning sections
capacity building
Building and/or enhancing the knowledge, skills and ability of individuals, institutions, groups and organisations to perform functions, solve problems, and set and achieve gender equality objectives in a sustainable and transformative manner.
Caring Masculinities
Opposite of hegemonic masculinity; based on men* taking care-giving roles (as involved fathers) instead of provider roles (as breadwinners).
care work
Work of looking after the physical, psychological, emotional and developmental needs of one or more other people.
Provision of public, private, individual or collective services to meet the needs of parents and children.
Differences in the values, attitudes, cultural perspective, beliefs, ethnic background, sexual orientation, gender identity, skills, knowledge and life experiences of each individual in any group of people.
domestic division of labour
Division of care work and household responsibilities between women and men.
Social attributes and opportunities associated with being female and male and to the relationships between women and men and girls and boys, as well as to the relations between women and those between men. Socio-cultural construction within the binarism of women and men.
gender equality
Equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities of all genders.
gender identity
Each person’s deeply felt internal and individual experience of gender, which may or may not correspond to the sex assigned at birth, including the personal sense of the body (which may involve, if freely chosen, modification of bodily appearance or function by medical, surgical or other means) and other expressions of gender, including dress, speech and mannerisms.
gender norms
Standards and expectations to which women and men generally conform, within a range that defines a particular society, culture and community at that point in time.
gender roles
Social and behavioural norms which, within a specific culture, are widely considered to be socially appropriate for individuals of a specific sex.
gender sensitive
Policies and programmes that take into account the particularities pertaining to the lives of both women, men and other genders, while aiming to eliminate inequalities and promote gender equality, including an equal distribution of resources, therefore addressing and taking into account the gender dimension
gender stereotypes
Practice of ascribing to an individual woman or man specific attributes, characteristics or roles on the sole basis of her or his membership of the social group of women or men.
gender-based violence
Violence directed against a person because of that person’s gender, gender identity or gender expression, or which affects persons of a particular gender disproportionately.
hegemonic masculinities
Cultural norm that continuously connects men to power and economic achievements.
Heteronormativity is a norm in our society. It is considered normal that all people are either male or female, that they are heterosexual and that sexual orientation and gender identity do not change throughout life. People who do not conform to this norm experience exclusion and discrimination.
Unremunerated work of maintaining a household that is performed by household members.
marginalized groups
Different groups of people within a given culture, context and history at risk of being subjected to multiple discrimination due to the interplay of different personal characteristics or grounds, such as sex, gender, age, ethnicity, religion or belief, health status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, education or income, or living in various geographic localities.
Different notions of what it means to be a man, including patterns of conduct linked to men’s place in a given set of gender roles and relations.
In its narrow meaning, patriarchy refers to the system, in which the male head of the household had absolute legal and economic power over his dependent female and male family members. Patriarchy in its wider definition means the manifestation and institutionalization of male dominance over women and children in the family and the extension of male dominance over women in society in general.
sexual violence
any sexual act performed on the victim without consent
unpaid work
Work that produces goods and services but which carries no direct remuneration or other form of payment; like housework and care work.
The learning content was developped with the kind contributions by Virginija Aleksejune Margarita Jankauskaite, Monika Orechova (CEA, Lithuania), Erika Bernacchi, Antonio Raimondo di Grigoli (Istitutto degli Innochenti, Italy) Mojca Frelih, Majda Hrženjak, Živa Humer (Peace Institute Slovenia), Tatyana Kmetova, Roza Dimova (CWSP, Bulgaria), Daniel Holtermann, Gesine Pfautsch (Dissens, Germany), Elli Scambor, Veronika Suppan and Lisa Wagner (Verein für Männer und Geschlechterthemen Steiermark, Austria). More about partner organisations.